South Dakota Psychological Association

2025 Annual Conference

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April 4 & 5

ClubHouse Hotel & Suites – Sioux Falls

ClubHouse Hotel & Suites
2320 S. Louise Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD

The conference will take place in the Cabernet Room.

A block of hotel rooms are available for this event at the
Club House Inn & Suites – Sioux Falls, SD
Room block is available until Monday, March 3rd!
To make your room reservations, please click visit:

Friday, April 4 – Agenda


Check-in for Conference

8:30 – 9:30am

Keynote Address Presented by: Dr. Arthur Evans, APA President

9:30 – 9:45am

Networking Break

9:45am – 12:00pm

Intro to Forensic Psychology and Criminal Law
Presented by: Dr. David Shapiro & Dr. Lenore Walker

12:00 – 1:30pm

Lunch Break on your own

1:30 – 3:00pm

Civil Law / Personal Injury
Presented by:
Dr. Shapiro & Dr. Walker

3:00 – 3:15pm

Networking Break

3:15 – 5:00pm

Family Law / Risk Assessment / Malpractice
Presented by: Dr. Shapiro & Dr. Walker


Happy Hour/Student Presentations

Saturday, April 5 – Agenda

8:30 -9:45am

Domestic Violence and Intervention
Presented by: Dr. Shapiro & Dr. Walker

9:45 – 10:00am

Networking Break

10:00 – 11:30am

Domestic Violence and Intervention (Continued)

11:30am – 1:00pm

Annual Meeting

1:00 – 3:00pm

Presented by: Dr. Shapiro & Dr. Walker

11 hours of CE credits are available

The Trust is approved by the American Psychological Association
to sponsor CE credits for psychologists.

Attendees are eligible to receive a 15% premium discount on Trust-Sponsored Professional Liability Insurance for two consecutive policy periods. To obtain this discount, submit CE certification with your insurance application.


Cancellation Policy:

  • 100% refund if canceled 14+ days before the conference
  • 50% refund if canceled 7+ days before the conference
  • No refund if canceled less than 7 days before the conference

About the Speakers

Dr. David L. Shapiro, Ph.D., ABPP in Forensic Psychology

Dr. Shapiro is a Professor Emeritus from Nova Southeastern University College of Psychology, where he taught in the clinical forensic psychology concentration for 20 years. He continues to offer online workshops and consultation in the areas of criminal law, competency, risk assessment, and malpractice issues.

Dr. Lenore E. Walker, Ed.D., ABPP in Clinical and Family Psychology

Dr. Walker is a Professor Emeritus from Nova Southeastern University College of Psychology, where she was the Coordinator of the forensic psychology concentration and taught in both the doctoral and master’s programs. Her research focused on battered woman syndrome, and she developed assessment and treatment programs for those who have experienced gender violence. She continues to offer workshops and forensic consultation in various areas of forensic psychology and trauma.

Dr. Arthur C. Evans Jr., Ph.D.

Described as a visionary and transformational leader, Dr. Evans is the CEO of the American Psychological Association, the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. Previously, Dr. Evans served in public policy positions in Philadelphia and Connecticut, where he led the transformation of behavioral health systems and their approaches to serving individuals with complex needs.

Dr. Evans has employed science, community activism, traditional clinical care, policy, and cross-system collaborations to challenge and change the status quo around behavioral health. His work has received national and international recognition, earning prestigious awards for his contributions to government, healthcare service, and visionary leadership.

In addition to his leadership roles, Dr. Evans has held faculty appointments at:

  • Yale University School of Medicine
  • University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
  • Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Drexel School of Public Health

The Trust is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education credits for psychologists. The Trust maintains responsibility for the program and its content.

Funding for this conference was also made possible in part by D4045684 from the Health Resources and Services Administration. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.